Savannah Clovers FC Announces 2024 Open Trials

Last Chance For Local Players To Try Out For The Clovers

Savannah Clovers Football Club announced that they will be hosting their second and final round of Open Trials on February 3 at the Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus. Soccer players who wish to participate for a chance to become a Savannah Clovers F.C. player can do so by registering online at

“We are excited to host the final open trials before the kick-off of our 2024 season,” says C.E.O. Shane Folgado. “We identified some potential candidates in last year’s ID Trial and invited them to try out with the team in March, so we are looking forward to the quality that this last open trial will bring.” 

“We saw a large demand from our soccer community to be able to take part in last year’s ID Trials,” says Chief Community Officer Brian Sykes. “We are very thankful to everyone who participated in last year’s try out and we are excited to give an opportunity to those players that were not able to make it to the previous one.”   

The February 3 Open Trials at the Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus will be open to all male soccer players ages 17-25. The cost to register is $150 and all players must sign an eligibility waiver. For more information and to register visit

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